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Sage Providing Timely Assistance to Small Businesses in Need

Earlier this summer, Sage Solutions Group submitted an application to the Michigan SBDC, to provide contracted services that would be delivered directly to small businesses in need. This program is available through the US SBA Cares Act.

The program provides businesses that are struggling due to the COVID-19 pandemic an opportunity to request services from organizations like ours. In response to the SBDC's request for help, Sage Solutions Group presented a proposal to develop Employee Handbooks to help address the needs of small businesses that could benefit from this service. 

As Human Resource professionals, we know all too well the impact of COVID-19 in the workplace.  This is a wonderful opportunity to provide assistance to companies in need, and it fits well with our own philosophy.  The key to sustained success for any business is having a stable base from which everything flows. The components of this base, People, Policy and Process together form the Stability Pyramid.® When processes are efficient, policies are clear and consistent and people are engaged, the base is strong.   

A well written Employee Handbook provides a guiding light for businesses and sets the stage for a solid base of stability and growth. For this reason, Sage felt compelled to respond to this call to help small businesses in Michigan.  According to Sherri McDaniel, CEO of Sage, "This program is an excellent opportunity for our company to use our expertise to help other businesses struggling to survive due to the challenges that COVID-19 has presented. We have been able to help a variety of companies hit hard by this pandemic including restaurants, small industrial, medical, construction, to name a few. A well written Employee Handbook aids in fostering employee engagement, outlines policies and procedures, maintains compliance and provides important protections for the company and employees alike."

Sage Solutions Group is honored to be granted this opportunity to help other small businesses in need.  We understand the challenges businesses face and we take the responsibility of helping businesses weather this storm seriously. If your company is seeking this assistance from the SBDC, please use this link to find more information

For help with developing or updating an Employee Handbook or any other Human Resource matter, find us on the web at or call us at 734-855-7189. 

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