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Employee Engagement. What it is. What it isn't. Why you should care. Blog 4 of 4.

Employee Engagement. What it is. What it isn't. Why you should care. Blog 4 of 4. - Human Resource Consulting Blog | Sage Solutions Group - LinkedIn_Blog_EE_Engagement_%234

In the final installment of this blog on employee engagement, we focus on the bottom line. The first blog provided a brief definition of employee engagement (and its often erroneously equated cousin, employee satisfaction) as well as data on turnover likelihood when engagement is low. The second installment focused on the costs of that turnover, while the third installment highlighted the critical importance of the employee-supervisor relationship; poor relationships significantly and negatively impact employee engagement levels.

This installment will focus on how engagement impacts an organization's bottom line. Let's be frank, some employers might turn a blind eye to low employee engagement if it has no impact on profitability. The data, however, should give every CEO pause. Low levels of employee engagement have been shown to negatively impact a variety of bottom line indicators from profitability to operating margins.

Having highly engaged employees is not only good for employees in so many ways, it is good for the organizations for whom they work!

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